Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I'm not a big one for jewellery, but there's a pair of earrings I want. I can't show you pictures of them (I saw them four years ago), I can't tell you where to pick them up (they were hanging from a friend's earlobes) and I can't tell you exactly what they're worth (not much in money, but because I can't have them, effectively priceless).

I can tell you what they were like though. Think dark hair falling in soft waves. Black metal. Not shiny, just, very black. Think art nouveau wrought iron, winding, curling, looping. Distilling the waves from her hair into a dark lattice. Then, hanging from different points in the framework, garnets. Not real ones; just cut glass. But a deep, deep red. Like the arils of ripe pomegranates.

And every time she moved her head, the facets would catch the light, somehow turn it inwards, and glow. Like embers in a dying fire.


Scherezade said...

If you live in Bombay then there is a place you can go to

Ashwini said...

Wow. Just stumbled across your blog and I must say: You. Write. Well. ;)

Sougata said...

Why is it that you women can get away with this? If I wrote something similar about a pair of boots I saw on some guy in a bar three years ago and how they rode on his legs, I'd get a decidedly different response.

Unfair, I tell you ;-)

Pri said...

uff. write no.

Chronicus Skepticus said...

Gary: I know! I thought so too!

Scherezade: I do live in Bombay. Where is this place?

Ashwini: Hello new person!

And umm, thank you. You're very kind. :)

Sougata: You mean, you *wouldn't* get reactions on the lines of, "Why, here is a young man with a rather refined sense of fashion!"?

Odd. And yes, it IS unfair. *Terribly*. (:D)

オテモヤン: What I said to Gary.

Pri: Achcha, you come out of hibernation to write one Noopy post and suddenly *we're* the black kettles?

I will soon though. *Then* don't say I didn't warn you okay?

Anil P said...

Aha. The wanting.

Such a good reason to want to live :-)

runa said...

Beautiful description. I can almost picture those ear-rings and now want them for meself! :)